Vast Active Library and Information Science blog. From a recent library science graduate in Wellington, New Zealand. A focus on reference and current awareness tools and issues, especially free, web-based resources.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Labour market for librarians in Australia  
Interesting stats from the ALIA website on the Australian library labour market. Key points:

- librarians earn 119% of the average wage [though I'm guessing a lot smaller percentage of the average wage for people with degrees]
- the profession is 89% female [I would have guessed less]
- the profession is older than average [mainly because for other occupations 18% of the workforce are aged 15-24, for librarians it is 3%]
- job prospects are rated average ('good' for archivists and intelligence professionals) and unemployment is low.

What ALIA doesn't say, but is available at the source site (Jobsearch) is that employment in the sector is expected to decline.

Still, interesting. In the back of my mind, a move to Australia is always a possibility. This is useful information to help inform my choice.
